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🍁Cleveland, G. (2024). Giving parents money doesn’t solve child care problems. Le projet Prospérité.
Katter, J., Rojas, N. M., Albert, S. L., Springer, B., Huang-Greco, N. et Kerker, B. (2024). “Let’s just be human:” kindergarten teachers leveraging collegial supports during the first covid-19 school year. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(4), 421-436.
Khalid, M. et Pope, E. J. (2024). Early Childhood Teachers’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Teachers from Pakistan and the US. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 2079-2093.
McGillion, M., Davies, C., Kong, S. P., Hendry, A. et Gonzalez-Gomez, N. (2024). Caregiver sensitivity supported young children’s vocabulary development during the Covid-19 UK lockdowns. Journal of Child Language, 51(5), 1213-1229.
Neuberger, F., Grgic, M. et Fackler, S. (2024). Interaction Quality Among Children, Staff and Parents in German ECEC Centres in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1963-1991.
Rahiem, M. D. H. (2024). Early childhood education contingencies for sustaining learning during school closures: Lessons from preschool remote education home visits in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Children and Youth Services Review, 166, article 107955.
Sanders-Smith, S. C., Cordoba, T. E., Laixely, J. et Martinez Negrette, G. (2024). Early childhood inquiry and e-learning: recontextualizing a progressive pedagogy in online school. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(4), 455-472.
Wolfe, A., Rowland, T. et Blackburn, J. C. (2024). “Half the Teacher I Once Was”: Ohio Early Childhood Educators Describe their Mental Well-Being During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1933-1943.
Carbuccia, L. (2024). Demand-side determinants of the socioeconomic gap in ECEC enrollment in France. Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d’Évaluation des Politiques Publiques et Caisse Nationale d’Allocations Familiales.
🍁Massing, C., Gyan, C., Giesbrecht, C.J. Kikulwe, D. et Ghadi, N. (2024). Preferences and Challenges in Access to Childcare Programs: A Mixed-Methods Study with Newcomers to Canada. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 421-441.
Chalmeau, R., Lafitole, M., Mourgues, S., Béato, M. R., Bergamaschi, G., Mortelecque, L. et Sales-Hitier, D. (2024). Les élevages pour questionner la relation à l’animal avec des élèves de maternelle. Recherches en éducation, 56, 150-173.
Cont, S., Rowley, A., Knowles, Z. et Bowe, C. (2024). The perceptions of trainee teachers towards forest school, does connection to nature matter? Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 24(4), 612-628.
🍁Daly, Z. et Corcoran, B. (2024). Le jeu à l’extérieur et le changement climatique : influence, adaptation et perspectives. Dans Tremblay, R. E., Boivin, M., Peters, R. De V. (dir.) et Brussoni, M. Encyclopédie sur le développement des jeunes enfants.
Dankiw, K.A., Kumar, S., Baldock, K.L. et Tsiros, M. D. (2024). Do Children Play Differently in Nature Play Compared to Manufactured Play Spaces? A Quantitative Descriptive Study. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 535-554.
Delalande, J. (2024). L’école dans la forêt. L’exemple d’un projet pédagogique porté par une attention à l’expérience des enfants. Recherches en éducation, 56, 33-46.
Egan, S. M. et Pope, J. (2024). Streets ahead: Neighborhood safety and active outdoor play in early childhood using a nationally representative sample of 5-year-olds. Child Development, 95(6), 2030-2044.
Speldewinde, C. et Campbell, C. (2024). Invisible and fluid walls in early childhood nature learning: collecting data through video. Educational Research, 66(4), 365-380.
Alix, S.-A. (2024). Maria Montessori et la diffusion de la pédagogie montessorienne aux États-Unis (1910-1920). Recherches en éducation, 56, 107-122.
Belza, H., Herrán, E. et Anguera, M. T. (2024). Keys to Responsive Feeding in Early Education: Systematic Observation of Pikler-Lóczy’s Educators’ Behaviour During Breakfast. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 605-623.
Keary, A., Garvis, S., Zheng, H. et Walsh, L. (2024). Teacher Planning and Curriculum Frameworks: A Case Study of ECEC Practice in Australia. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 2053-2064.
Minson, V. et Nuttall, J. (2024). Assessment for learning within Australia’s Early Years Learning Framework: What is the place of Learning Stories? Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 25(4), 429-444.
Cankaya, O., Leach, J. et Akdemir, K. (2024). The Journey of Loose Parts across Educational Landscapes and History. The Role of Materials, Relationships, Space, and Time in Children’s Loose Parts Play. American Journal of Play, 16(2-3), 210-245.
Chookah, H. A., Agbenyega, J. S., Santos, I. M. et Habak, C. (2024). Play Affordances of Natural and Non-natural Materials in Preschool Children’s Playful Learning Tasks. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 585-603.
Hoyne, C. et Egan, S. M. (2024). Exploring the role of home play and learning activities in socioemotional development at 36-months: Findings from a large birth cohort study. Infant Behavior and Development, 77, article 102000.
Wiggins, S., Willemsen, A. et Cromdal, J. (2024). Eating Prickly Peas: Sharing Play Worlds During Preschool Meals. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 479-496.
Magnusson, L.O. et Elm, A. (2024). The Entangled Intersection of Children’s and Educators’ Engagement in the Educational Environment of a Preschool. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1923-1932.
Wong, M. et Power, T. G. (2024). The efficacy of the Peace Ambassador Project: Promoting children’s emotional intelligence to address aggression in the early childhood classroom. Children and Youth Services Review, 166, article 107937.
Bromer, J., Ragonese-Barnes, M., Miguel, J., Zhang, S. et Melvin, S. A. (2024). Understanding quality in nontraditional-hour child care for children, families, and providers: A literature review and conceptual framework. Erikson Institute.
Fabbruzzo, C. (2024). Collaboration Among Early Childhood Professionals in Higher Education. Journal of Childhood Studies, 49(3), 35-45.
Kim, H., Brand, S.T. et Zeltzer, R. (2024). Exploring the Current Landscape of the United States Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce. Early Childhood Education Journal, pré-publication.
Wang, L., Jiang, D., Pang, J., Yang, C., Zhang, S. et Rozelle, S. (2024). Preschool quality and developmental outcomes of preschool children in rural China: Evidence from longitudinal and subgroup analyses. Children and Youth Services Review, 166, article 107956.
Isler, D., Hefti, C., Schönberger, J. et Sticca, F. (2024). Language education in Kindergarten classrooms – development of a measurement instrument assessing the quality of teachers’ scaffolding in everyday interactions. Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 46(3), 138-152.
Linder, S. M., D’Amico, L. et Fan, X. (2024). The Role of Teacher/Child Interaction Assessments in Supporting Professional Learning within 4K Settings. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 2095-2106.
Moonjoo, W. (2024). Transition to Kindergarten: How Home Visits Shape the Experiences of Teachers and Parents [Thèse de doctorat, University of Wisconsin-Madison]. Librairies SEARCH.
⚜️Moreau, D. et Laurent, A. (2024). Le programme-cycle de l’éducation préscolaire : rupture ou continuité avec les programmes d’éducation préscolaire 4 ans et 5 ans ? Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 49(3), en ligne.
Khoo, E., Mitchell, L. et Sammons, M. (2024). Teacher Use of Digital Stories to Promote Reflective Practice Supportive of Migrant and Refugee Children’s Sense of Belonging. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1993-2007.
Simoncini, K., McKechnie, J., Hilly, C. et Matthews, B. (2024). Helping Parents Support Their Preschool Children’s Learning and Development Through SMS Messages: An Australian Pilot Study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1853-1867.
Sørenssen, I. K. (2024). Exploring enactments of the big screen and the small screen in a Norwegian early childhood education and care setting. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 25(4), 460-472.
Zabatiero, J., McCormack, D., Stone, L., Zarb, D., Edwards, S. et Straker, L. (2024). “Yeah, no more tantrums, whoo!”: Practices parents valued to help children transition away from screens. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 42, article 100691.
André, A. et Bedoin, D. (2024). Quand l’inclusion inversée tend à bousculer la forme scolaire en école maternelle. Recherches en éducation, 56, 61-75.
🍁Gerlach, A., Newbury, J. et Berggren, T. (2024). Experiences of Unbelonging and Ableism in the Early Learning and Childcare Sector in British Columbia. Journal of Childhood Studies, 49(3), 46-65.
Gustafsson, B. M. et Sund Levander, M. (2024). Preschool teachers’ assessments of behavioural problems, impact on daily life, and engagement in children with neurodevelopmental symptoms: A Swedish comparative, intervention study. European Journal of Education, 59, article e12683.
Harrison, A.J., Bhimani, S.K., Allen, F.E., Lieberman-Betz, R. et Neuharth-Pritchett, S. (2024). Identifying Factors Related to Successful Enrollment in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8),2039-2051.
Landwehrmann, T., Paulus, M. et Christner, N. (2024). Preschool children’s resource allocation towards and reasoning about exclusion of agents with disabilities. Cognitive Development, 72, article 101510.
Lersilp, S., Putthinoi, S. et Chaimaha, N. (2024). Learning Environments of Preschool Children Who Have Different Learning Styles and Sensory Behaviors. Child Care in Practice, 30(4), 482-501.
Maftei, A. et Gherguţ, A. (2024). Using Toys as Potential Inclusive Educational Means: A Longitudinal Approach Involving Children, Parents, and Teachers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1945-1961.
Then, D. et Pohlmann-Rother, S. (2024). Parent-Teacher Meetings in the Context of Inclusion: Preschool Teachers and Parents of Children with Disabilities in Counseling Situations. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1815-1826.
Kim, H., Adams, S. K., Zeltzer, R. et Beatty, A. (2024). Multicultural attitudes among early childhood teachers: characteristics, sense of teacher efficacy, and efficacy to implement inclusive practices. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(4), 557-578.
Kissi, E. (2024). Decolonizing Early Childhood Education: Tracing Ancestral Disruptions and Advocating for African/Black Indigenous Knowledge Reclamation. Journal of Childhood Studies, 49(3), 71-81.
Tekerci, H. et Çöplü, F. (2024). Sense of Belonging in Early Childhood: A Study in an Early Childhood Education Center in Türkiye. Child Indicators Research, 17(6), 2527-2554.
Cooper, D. K., Bayly, B. L., Mallozzi, I., Jatoi, F. et Alonzo, J. K. (2024). Do the effects of head start vary across time based on children’s exposure to different patterns of childhood adversity? Differential intervention effects using latent profile analysis and time-varying effect modeling. Children and Youth Services Review, 166, article 107952.
Hung, S. J. et Wang, H. F. (2024). The Mediation Role of Executive Functioning on the Association Between Parental Responsiveness and Compliance in Preschoolers. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 667-685.
Ma, S., Cui, Y. K., Wan, S., Chen, E. E. et Corriveau, K. H. (2024). Children consider informants’ explanation quality with their social dominance in seeking novel explanations. Child Development, 95(6), 2119-2132.
Veraksa, A.N., Veresov, N.N., Sukhikh, V.L., Gavrilova, M. N. et Plotnikova, V. A. (2024). Play to Foster Children’s Executive Function Skills: Exploring Short-and Long-Term Effects of Digital and Traditional Types of Play. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 687-709.
Castaño, P. R. L., Córdoba, A. P., Católico, A. A. E., Santos, G. B. et Claros, J. A. V. (2024). Attentional skills, developmental areas, and phonological awareness in children aged 5-6 years. Cognitive Development, 72, article 101509.
Ferreira, S., Cruz-Santos, A. et Almeida, L. S. (2024). Early communication indicator-Portugal: Evidence for its use in assessing and monitoring communication in young children. European Journal of Education Studies, 11(12), 1-13.
Smith, N. A., Kelley, E. S., Jeon, H., Ispa, J. M. et McMurray, B. (2024). The “what” and “when” of language input to children: Linguistic and temporal predictors of vocabulary in 3-year-olds. Developmental Psychology, 60(12), 2321-2329.
Suarez-Rivera, C., Fletcher, K. K. et Tamis-LeMonda, C. S. (2024). Infants’ home auditory environment: Background sounds shape language interactions. Developmental Psychology, 60(12), 2274-2289.
Vasil, J., Provençal, M. et Tomasello, M. (2024). Effects of “We”-framing and partner number on 2- and 3-year-olds’ sense of commitment. Cognitive Development, 72, article 101511.
Bulgarelli, F., Barry, S. et Bergelson, E. (2024). Attending to talker characteristics: Word learning and recognition in monolingually- and multilingually-raised infants. Cognitive Development, 72, article 101508.
Gutiérrez-Fresneda, R., Pozo Rico, T., García Tárraga, M. J. et Jiménez-Pérez, E. (2024). Effect of the development of precursor skills for literacy in Spanish on learning to read in English. The Journal of Educational Research, 117(5), 284-293.
Jones Diaz, C., Cardona, B. et Escudero, P. (2024). Exploring the perceptions of early childhood educators on the delivery of multilingual education in Australia: Challenges and opportunities. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 25(4), 488-502.
Pontier, R. W. et Riera, D. (2024). Self-identified Spanish-speaking early childhood educators abriendo puertas for bilingualism through a care-based linguistic stewardship of Spanish. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 25(4), 473-487.
⚜️McMahon-Morin, P., Nasri, B., Verduyckt, I., Rezzonico, S. et Gingras, M. P. (2024). Effect of a whole-group intervention on children’s participation in interactive book reading. The Journal of Educational Research, 117(5), 316-330.
Sümer Dodur, H. M., Yüzbaşioğlu, Y., Altındağ Kumaş, Ö. et Karaca, O. (2024). Intervention for early literacy success: Phonological awareness and rapid automatized naming. The Journal of Educational Research, 117(5), 229-240.
Yang, D., Ge, Y., Sun, Y., Collins, P., Jaeggi, S. M., Xu, Y., Shea, Z. M., et Warschauer, M. (2024). Self-regulation and comprehension in shared reading: The moderating effects of verbal interactions and E-book discussion prompts. Child Development, 95(6), 1934-1949.
Bakker, M., Torbeyns, J., Verschaffel, L. et De Smedt, B. (2024). Cognitive characteristics of children with high mathematics achievement before they start formal schooling. Child Development, 95(6), 2062-2081.
Ellis, A. et Davis-Kean, P. E. (2024). Analyzing teacher audio: The contribution of classroom mathematics instruction to early numeracy. The Journal of Educational Research, 117(5), 294-307.
Gable, S. et Fozi, A.M. (2024). Prevalence of Number, Number Relations, and Number Operations Indicators in State Early Learning Standards. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1841-1852.
Valencia Mazzanti, C. (2024). Translanguaging, multilingualism, and multimodality in young children’s mathematics learning. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 25(4), 413-428.
Zhu, Z., Zuckerman, A. P., Shero, J. A., Willcutt, E. G., Thompson, L. A. et Petrill, S. A. (2024). How relations between early reading skills and third-grade mathematics outcomes vary across distribution: A quantile regression approach. Developmental Psychology, 60(12), 2385-2395.
Karasik, L. B. et Fernandes, S. N. (2024). Social dynamics of supported walking in 11-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 77, article 101994.
⚜️McGowan, A. L., Chandler, M. C. et Gerde, H. K. (2024). Infusing Physical Activity into Early Childhood Classrooms: Guidance for Best Practices. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 2021-2038.
Biermann, J., Franze, M. et Hoffmann, W. (2024). Social-Emotional Skills in Five-to-Six-Year-Olds in Social Hotspots in Germany: Individual Trajectories in a Prospective Cohort. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 403-420.
Gunawardena, M. et Koivula, M. (2024). Children’s Social-Emotional Development: The Power of Pedagogical Storytelling. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 625-646.
Ḥaj Yaḥya, A. et Abu-Baker, K. (2024). Children’s Literature as a Channel for Social-Emotional Learning: Reading Israeli Children’s Literature Written in Arabic and Hebrew. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 2065-2078.
Katz, T. et Tomasello, M. (2024). Reciprocal reputation management: Preschoolers respond to shared credit with shared blame. Cognitive Development, 72, article 101519.
Fan, X., D’Amico, L.K., Kilburn, J., Jones, A., Richard, C., Zollars, L., Garrett, S. et Johnston, D. (2024). Perspectives of Parents and Caregivers on Kindergarten Readiness: A Focus on the Impact of a Summer Transition Program. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 555-583.
Miller, E.B., Roby, E., Bratsch-Hines, M. et Blair, C. B. (2024). Maternal Literacy Skills and Children’s Kindergarten Outcomes in Rural Communities with Low Incomes: The Moderating Role of Hours in Child Care. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33(12), 3889-3903.
Ndijuye, L. G., Moneva, M. L. et Dadi, N. (2024). A longitudinal study on the predictors of early grades learning attainments in low-and-middle-income countries: Evidence from Tanzania. Children and Youth Services Review, 166, article 107923.
Yang, H. (2024). The Effects of Wisconsin’s Universal Prekindergarten Program on Third-Grade Academic Achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 61(6), 1237-1271.
Chroust, A.J., Atiles, J.T., Vargas, A.C. et Zúñiga León, I. M. (2024). Sense of Efficacy of Costa Rican Early Childhood Teachers in Face-to-Face and Distance Education Instructional Settings. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 497-510.
Etchebehere, G., Crego, A. et Martínez-Iñigo, D. (2024). Do the Behaviors of Early Childhood Education Teachers Promote Children’s Progressive Autonomy? The Role of Interpersonal Emotional Regulation and its Consequences for Teachers’ Occupational Well-Being. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 461-478.
Jeon, H.-J., Kwon, K.-A., McCartney, C. et Diamond, L. (2024). Early childhood education and early childhood special education teachers’ perceived stress, burnout, and depressive symptoms. Children and Youth Services Review, 166, article 107915.
Barrett, J. S., Jackson, H., Schachter, R. E., Gerde, H. K. et Bingham, G. E. (2024). Understanding the nature of coaching interactions and teacher engagement in an online coaching intervention. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(4), 397-420.
🍁Doyle, A., Li, L., Azam, S. et Hynes, M. (2024). Dialogic reading in an early childhood education setting: ECEs’ learning in the context of a community of practice model. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(4), 486-521.
Kim, S. A., La Paro, K. M. et Scott-Little, C. (2024). Characteristics of practica in early childhood education: variation in criteria for placements and mentor educators. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(4), 538-556.
Irvine, S., Lunn, J., Sumsion, J., Jansen, E., Sullivan, V. et Thorpe, K. (2024). Professionalization and Professionalism: Quality Improvement in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1911-1922.
Maclean, V. L. (2024). Image of the Educator: (re)Thinking Identity. Journal of Childhood Studies, 49(3), 93-104.
Sloan, K. (2024). Scarcity and surveillance in early childhood education. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 25(4), 397-412.
Ascetta, K., Viotto, J., Bloom, M. et Googe, H. (2024). Infusing the Pyramid Model into Pre-Service Teacher Preparation Programs. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1869-1881.
Mgaiwa, S. J. et Amani, J. (2024). Culturally Responsive Instruction in Early Childhood Education in Tanzania: Teachers’ Beliefs and Instructional Challenges. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1789-1801.
Mondi, C. F., Magro, S. W., Rihal, T. K. et Carlson, E. A. (2024). Burnout and Perceptions of Child Behavior Among Childcare Professionals. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1803-1814.
Norheim, H., Broekhuizen, M., Moser, T. et Pastori, G. (2024). ECEC Professionals’ Views on Partnerships with Parents in Multicultural Classrooms in Four European Countries. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 443-460.
Schori, H. et Gal, A. (2024). Perception and Self-efficacy to Teach Science in Kindergarten: Undergraduate Students’ and Teachers’ Point of View. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1779-1787.
Stankovic-Ramirez, Z. et Vittrup, B. (2024). Prekindergarten Teachers’ Perspectives on Classroom Environments and Barriers to Optimal Learning Spaces. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1765-1778.
Tsujitani, M. (2024). Early Childhood Practitioners’ Perceptions of Children’s Risky Play Based on Childhood and Present Practice: A Questionnaire Survey in Japan. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 2009-2020.
Demirci-Ünal, Z., Tonga-Çabuk, F. E. et Tantekin-Erden, F. (2024). A learner-centered journey: pre-service early childhood teachers’ learning through self-reflections and feedbacks with design-based curriculum course. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(4), 437-454.
Manni, A. et Löfgren, H. (2024). Methodological development through critical reflections on a study focusing on daily valuable encounters in early childhood settings. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 25(4), 383-396.
La revue Australasian Journal of Early Childhood a publié un numéro thématique autour du leadership dans le secteur de l’éducation à la petite enfance.
Harduf, N. et Berkovich, I. (2024). Qualitative Study of Kindergarten Teacher-Superintendent Interactions: Symbolic Interaction Analysis. International Journal of Early Childhood,56(3), 383-402.
Lähdesmäki, S., Maunumäki, M. et Nurmi, T. (2024). Play is the Base! ECEC Leaders’ Views on the Development of Digital Pedagogy. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1897-1910.
Okiri, P. O. et Hercz, M. (2024). Preservice teacher education stakeholders’ perceptions of distributed pedagogical leadership in nurturing teacher leadership. European Journal of Education, 59, article e12713.
🍁Wallace, R. et Smith, K. (2024). Who Cares? Women entrepreneurs and the transition to the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement in Nova Scotia. Women’s Studies International Forum, 107, article 102992.
Zadok, I., Nissan, M. et Versicherter-Chechik, T. (2024). The childcare director’s role in preventing burnout: a positive-psychological examination of the caregivers’ lived experience. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(4), 522-537.
Barnett, W.S. et Jung, K. (2024). Auspice and other policy-related variations in preschool practice in the United States: have public preschool programs been more academic? International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 18, article 13.
DuShane, D. et Yu, S. (2024). “Behavior that Endangers”: Analyzing Preschool and Childcare Expulsion and Suspension Policies. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(8), 1883-1895.
Franck, K., Seland, M., Rimul, J., Sivertsen, A. H. et Kernan, M. (2024). Assessing children’s psychosocial well-being: Norwegian early childhood education and care teachers’ challenges when completing a global screening tool. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 25(4), 445-459.
Alam, M.J. (2024). Bangladesh’s Early Childhood Education Settings’ School Preparation Depends on Parental Socioeconomic Status: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(3), 511-533.
Harms, L.S.E., Gubbels, J.S., Bessems, K.M.H.H., Penders, S., Pluim, D. et Gerards, S. M. P. L. (2024). Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours in Pre-Schoolers with the SuperFIT Take-Home Kit. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33(12), 3627-3639.
Rech, J. P., Snyder, K., Rasmussen, M., Dev, D. et Dinkel, D. (2024). The Use of Family Engagement Principles by Childcare Providers From Various Childcare Settings: A Qualitative Study. Child Care in Practice, 30(4), 464-481.
Sabol, T. J., Chor, E., Sommer, T. E., Tighe, L. A., Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Morris, A. S., Brooks-Gunn, J., Yoshikawa, H. et King, C. (2024). Does adding parent education and workforce training to Head Start promote or interfere with children’s development? Child Development, 95(6), 2102-2118.