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Consulter la veille du mois de septembre 2024
Légende : personne étudiante*, personne diplômée** et membre chercheuse
⚜️Bélanger, É., Brault Foisy, L.-M. et Masson, S. (2024). What insights can response time provide for education research? International Journal of Research and Method in Education, prépublication.
⚜️Bélanger, É., Chaillez, P.-D. et Charron, A.(2024). Harmoniser les pratiques d’accompagnement des personnes superviseures de stage à l’éducation préscolaire. Apprendre et enseigner aujourd’hui, 13(2), 85-89.
⚜️Filiatrault-Veilleux, P.**, Desmarais, C., Bouchard, C., Esau, B. et Sylvestre, A.(2024). Inferential Comprehension Abilities in French-Speaking Preschoolers Exposed to Neglect in the Early Longitudinal Language and Neglect Study. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 67(6), 1819-1831.
⚜️Jacob, E.**, Tremblay, M.-M., Pellerin, G., Paul, V., Couture, C., Gauthier, D., Gauthier, R. et Bacon, L. (2024). Reconnaissance des acquis d’expérience pour les étudiants inuit et des Premières Nations inscrits dans un programme de formation en enseignement. Revue Hybride de l’éducation, 8(3), 1-16.
⚜️Lachapelle, J., Charron, A. et Bigras, N.(2024). Literacy Environment in Early Childhood Classrooms: Associations with Children’s Engagement. Journal of Education and Learning, 13(6), 46-60.
🍁Richardson, B. et Lehrer, J. (2024). ‘Big Sister’is watching: A feminist critical discourse analysis of texts supporting the use of live stream video feed technology. Dans U. Ward (dir), Supporting Early Childhood Practice Through Difficult Times. Looking Towards a Better Future (p. 13-25). Routledge.
⚜️Lehrer, J., Bigras, N. et Laurin, I. (2024). Multi-voice narratives of the transition process : analysing content, context, documents, and emotions. Dans A.-W. Dunlop, S. Peters et S. L. Kagan (dir.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Early Childhood Transitions Research (p. 391-402). Bloomsbury.
⚜️Annie Charron, membre chercheuse de l’équipe, codirige la publication d’un numéro thématique dans Multimodalité(s) : Revue de recherches en littératie médiatique multimodale. Elle est également coautrice de plusieurs articles. D’autres membres chercheuses et diplômées** y contribuent également. Soutenir le développement et les apprentissages de l’enfant d’âge préscolaire par les mots, l’image, le son, le corps et le mouvement.
Soulignons d’ailleurs que le bulletin de veille du ministère de la Famille partage ce numéro thématique.
Sous la direction de Monica Boudreau, Annie Charron, Isabelle Beaudoin et Julie Mélançon | |
Introduction. Soutenir le développement et les apprentissages de l’enfant d’âge préscolaire par les mots, l’image, le son, le corps et le mouvement (p. 1-6) Monica Boudreau, Annie Charron, Isabelle Beaudoin et Julie Mélançon | |
La documentation pédagogique comme support aux apprentissages réalisés lors des jeux libres et à la pratique réflexive d’une enseignante (p. 7-35) Elisabeth Jacob**, Annie Charron et Joanne Lehrer | |
L’enfant au cœur d’activités de raisonnement spatial : bonification du vocabulaire, des représentations mentales et des mouvements (p. 36-56) Charlaine St-Jean**, Naomie Fournier Dubé, Marilyn Dupuis Brouillette**, Patricia Vohl et Johanne April | |
Lire la forêt avec des yeux d’enfants : une lecture multimodale au service du développement global (p. 120-141) Joane Deneault, Charlaine St-Jean** et Sara Bouchard | |
Pratiques enseignantes employant la littérature jeunesse dans une perspective multimodale à l’éducation préscolaire 4 ans (p. 206-220) Myriam Villeneuve-Lapointe** et Annie Charron |
Gomez, D., Kunze, M., Glenn, E., Todis, B., Kelley, K., Karns, C. M., Glang, A. et McIntyre, L. L. (2024). Professionals’ Perspectives on Service Delivery: The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Special Education Providers. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 44(2), 115-125.
Oppermann, E., Blaurock, S., Zander, L. et Anders, Y. (2024). Children’s Social-Emotional Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Protective Effects of the Quality of Children’s Home and Preschool Learning Environments. Early Education and Development, 35(7), 1432-1460.
Tan, T. X., Wang, J. H. et Zhou, Y. (2024). COVID-19 school closures and Chinese children’s school readiness: Results from the natural experimental data. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(3), 976-994.
Tisborn, K. et Seehagen, S. (2024). 2-Year-olds’ free play during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infancy, 29(4), 608-630.
Turnbull, K. L. P., Jaworski, B., Cubides Mateus, D. M., Coolman, F. L., LoCasale-Crouch, J., Moon, R. Y., Hauck, F. R., Kellams, A. et Colson, E. R. (2024). COVID-19 pandemic impacts on kindergarteners’ mental health: A qualitative study of perspectives of U.S. mothers with low income. Infant and Child Development, 33(4), e2503.
Wilinski, B., Morley, A. et Wu, J. HC. (2024). Reconceptualizing Family Engagement as an Improvisational Practice: Lessons from Pre-K Teachers’ Practices During COVID-19. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 979-990.
Young, E. et Young, K. (2024). Student growth in the post-covid era. Curriculum Associates Research.
Bull, R., McFarland, L., Cumming, T. et Wong, S. (2024). The impact of work-related wellbeing and workplace culture and climate on intention to leave in the early childhood sector. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 69(4e quartier), 13-24.
Muschkin, C. G., Ladd, H. F. et Sauval, M. (2024). Pre-K enrollments and teaching environments in North Carolina elementary schools. Children and Youth Services Review, 164, article 107832.
Betancur, L., Choi, J. Y. et Rouse, H. L. (2024). Prevalence and predictors of multiple, concurrent public early childhood education utilization among head start children. Children and Youth Services Review, 163, article 107788.
Halle, T., Tang, J., Maxfield, E. T., Gerson, C. S., Verhoye, A., Madill, R., Piña, G., Gottesman, P. B., Solomon, B., Caballero-Acosta, S., Lin, Y.-C., Fuller, J. et Kelley, S. (2024). Expanding access to high-quality early care and education for families with low income in Maryland through child care subsidy policies. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 69(4e quartier), 1-12.
Gonzalez, K., Sabol, T. J. et Schanzenbach, D. W. (2024). Impact of the Chicago universal pre-kindergarten expansion: Effects on pre-kindergarten capacity and enrollment and implications for equity. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 69(4e quartier), 154-165.
Tan, P. Z., Aralis, H., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Wang, E., Kataoka, S. H., Miller, K., Sinclair, M., Gorospe, C. M., Delja, J. R., Barrera, W., Lee, S.-J., Mogil, C., Milburn, N. et Paley, B. (2024). Advancing equitable access to high quality early childhood education through a trauma- and resilience-informed community schools approach. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 69(4e quartier), 111-121.
Stephens, C. M., Crosby, D. A. et Smith, J. M. (2024). Accessibility of the early care and education supply: Variation within the center-based provider sector. Children and Youth Services Review, 164, article 107846.
King, H., Beazley, H., Barclay, L. et Miller, A. (2024). Re-imagining child-nature relationships in ecotourism: children’s conservation awareness through nature play and nature-based learning. Children’s Geographies, 22(4), 497-512.
🍁Squires, K., van Rhijn, T., Breau, B., Harwood, D., Haines, J. et Coghill, M. (2024). A quasi-experimental investigation of young children’s activity levels and movements in equipment-based and naturalized outdoor play environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 97, article 102364.
🍁Prioletta, J. et Davies, A. (2024). “Because Boys Don’t Do Ballet”: Boys, Femmephobia, and the Potentials of a Femininity-Affirmative Pedagogy in Kindergarten. Journal of Childhood Studies, 49(2), 57-71.
Wang, S. (2024). Exploring Early Childhood Educators’ Perceptions and Practices Towards Gender Differences in STEM Play: A Multiple-Case Study in China. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1121-1134.
La revue International Journal of Early Years Education a publié un numéro thématique sur les pratiques appropriées au développement.
Al-Thani, T. (2024). Creativity in The Pre-school Setting: A Comparison Study Between Arabic and English Lessons in Qatari Preschools. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 14(2), 59-62.
Barros, S., Coelho, V., Wysłowska, O., Penderi, E., Taelman, H., Araújo, S. B., Correia, N., Markowska-Manista, U., Petrogiannis, K., Boderé, A., Pessanha, M., Guimarães, C. et Aguiar, C. (2024). A Focus Group Study on Participatory Practices in Early Childhood Education and Care Across Four European Countries. Early Education and Development, 35(6), 1292-1315.
Berger, R., Benatov, J., Karna, A., Wu, R., Tarrasch, R., van Schaik, S. D. M. et Brenick, A. (2024). Cultivating Compassion in Jewish-Israeli Kindergartners: The Effectiveness of Mindfulness- and Empathy-Based Interventions As Facilitators of Compassion. Early Education and Development, 35(6), 1353-1373.
Castro Rodríguez, E., Torres González, M. D. et Maniega Fernández, M. (2024). Interventions of an early childhood teacher during problem-solving activities. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 32(4), 640-657.
Chen, D., Chen, Y. et Chi, J. (2024). Early childhood teachers amid China’s curriculum reforms: from a literature review. International of Child Care and Education Policy, 18, article 8.
Denee, R., Lindsay, G. et Probine, S. (2024). Visual Arts Self-Efficacy: Impacts and Supports for Early Childhood Teachers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1035-1045.
Fleming, D. J. et Culclasure, B. (2024). Exploring Public Montessori Education: Equity and Achievement in South Carolina. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 38(3), 459-484.
Kay, L. et Buxton, A. (2024). Makerspaces and the Characteristics of Effective Learning in the early years. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 22(3), 343-358.
Le, V.-N., Schaack, D. et Gottfried, M. (2024). Play, PE, Paint, and Performance: What Gets Left Behind When Teaching Academic Content in Kindergarten. The Elementary School Journal, 124(4), 542-562.
Malone, E. J., Zimmerman, K. N., Joo, S., Kim, G. Y. et Smith, K. H. (2024). Noncompliance Interventions for Young Children: A Best Evidence Synthesis and Meta-Analysis.Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 44(2), 137-151.
Nikolaou, E. (2024). Freshmen pre-service early years teacher-students’ reflections on the implementation of musical activities to 4-year-old children. European Journal of Education Studies, 11(9), 1-20.
Peleg, A. et Levy, S. T. (2024). On the Inter-Relationships Between Teachers, Technologies, and Children in Makerspace Environments: A Comparative Case Study in Kindergarten Classrooms. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 38(3), 405-432.
Probine, S., Perry, J., Burke, R., Alderson, J. et McAlevey, F. (2024). An Examination of Inquiry-Based Project Learning in Early Childhood Settings in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1083-1093.
Saçkes, M. et Cabe Trundle, K. (2024). Looking beyond enrollment rates: The long-term influence of preschool science curricula on children’s science achievement. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 5(2), 201-209.
Sherfinski, M. et Mo, W. J. (2024). Preservice teachers’ experiences navigating “adaptive learning” technology. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(3), 312-336.
Vale, V. M. S. do et Gaspar, M. F. da F. (2024). Nurturing Preschool Children’s Social Skills and Reducing Behavioral Difficulties Through Teacher Practices: The Answer of the Incredible Years Classroom Management Programme. Early Education and Development, 35(7), 1536-1553.
Loizou, E. et Olymbiou, M. (2024). Constructive play: Exploring pre-service early childhood teachers’ play involvement. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 22(3), 329-342.
Shin, M. (2024). Draw and Tell: Uncovering Korean Infant Teachers’ Play Experiences and Their Views in Supporting Infants’ Play. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(2), 237-254.
Correia, N., Carvalho, H. et Aguiar, C. (2024). Does Participation Benefit Children’s Socio-Emotional Development? Positive Associations Between Children’s Participation and Self-Concept, Through Children’s Perceptions. Early Education and Development, 35(7), 1461-1482.
Waters-Davies, J., Murphy, A., Chicken, S., Tyrie, J. et Clement, J. (2024). Constructing child participation in early years classrooms: An exploration from Wales. Children & Society, 38(5), 1824-1841.
Fang, H., Wu, Y., Dong, Y., Li, L., Gong, Y., Wang, J. et Wu, J. (2024). Enhancing resilience in rural Chinese preschoolers: a randomized controlled trial of play-based picture-book reading intervention for 4-5-year-olds. Early Child Development and Care, 194(7-8), 852-867.
Major, S. O., Palos, A. C., Gaspar, M. F. et Santos, A. I. (2024). Do we get what we expect? A qualitative study of preschool teachers’ experiences with the Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management program. Children and Youth Services Review, 163, article 107782.
Raikes, A., Sayre Mojgani, R., Heinzel-Nelson Alvarenga Lima, J., Davis, D., Cassell, C., Waldman, M. et Escalante, E. (2024). Profiles of Quality in Three Distinct Early Childhood Programs Using the Brief Early Childhood Quality Inventory (BEQI). International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(2), 211-236.
Chen, M., Koomen, H. M. Y. et Roorda, D. L. (2024). Young Children’s and Teachers’ Perceptions of Affective Teacher-Child Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between the Netherlands and China. Early Education and Development, 35(6), 1176-1193.
Elka, Z. Z. et Zhao, W. (2024). Problem Behaviors in the Early Childhood O-Class: Investigating Emotional, Organizational, and Instructional Supports. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1181-1192.
Koşkulu-Sancar, S., Blom, E., van de Weijer-Bergsma, E., Grandfield, E., Verhagen, J., et Mulder, H. (2024). Teachers matter in early childhood: The relation between teacher behaviours and executive function development in toddlerhood. Infant and Child Development, 33(3), e2474.
Pölzl-Stefanec, E., Barta, M. et Walter-Laager, C. (2024). Assurance and Development of Interaction Quality: The Impact of Blended-Learning Professional Development Training Programme. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 969-978.
Rüdisüli, C., Duss, I., Lannen, P. et Wustmann Seiler, C. (2024). Relations between teacher-child interaction quality and children’s playfulness. Early Child Development and Care, 194(7-8), 883-897.
Boylan, F., Barblett, L., Lavina, L. et Ruscoe, A. (2024). Transforming transitions to primary school: using children’s funds of knowledge and identity. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 32(4), 704-718.
Dor, A. (2024). Exploring Parent-Teacher Communication: Understanding Mutual Perspectives and Support During the Transition to First Grade. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 14(2), 29-38.
Gözüm, A. İ. C., Özberk, E. H., Kaya, Ü. Ü. et Aktulun, Ö. U. (2024). Number Sense Across the Transition from Preschool to Elementary School: A Latent Profile Analysis. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1221-1243.
Mitchell, A. E., Armstrong, R., McBryde, C., Morawska, A., Etel, E., Hurrion, E. M., McAuliffe, T. et Johnston, L. (2024). Children born very or extremely preterm transitioning to school: a cross-sectional study examining predictors of school readiness, school adjustment, and support needs. Early Child Development and Care, 194(7-8), 835-851.
Palacios, N. et Paulick, J. (2024). Supporting Latinx immigrant children and families in the transition to elementary school. Child Development Perspectives, 18(3), 155-162.
Dong, C., Fotakopoulou, O. et Hatzigianni, M. (2024). Chinese early childhood educators’ beliefs and experiences around using touchscreens with children under three years of age. Early Child Development and Care, 194(7-8), 898-913.
Ethridge, E. A., Malek-Lasater, A. D. et Kwon, K. A. (2024). Fostering Play Through Virtual Teaching: Challenges, Barriers, and Strategies. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 957-967.
⚜️Fitzpatrick, C., Pan, P. M., Lemieux, A., Harvey, E., Rocha, F. D. A. et Garon-Carrier, G. (2024). Early-Childhood Tablet Use and Outbursts of Anger. JAMA Pediatrics.
Flint, T. K. et Adams, M. S. (2024). Of Ladles and Laptops: Exploring Preschool Children’s Digital Play. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1001-1010.
Kanders, K., Stupple-Harris, L., Smith, L. et Gibson, J. L. (2024). Perspectives on the impact of generative AI on early-childhood development and education. Infant and Child Development, 33(4), e2514.
Masoumi, D., Bourbour, M. et Lindqvist, G. (2024). Mapping Children’s Actions in the Scaffolding Process Using Interactive Whiteboard. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1209-1220.
Pedrotti, B. G., Bandeira, D. R. et Frizzo, G. B. (2024). Context of digital media use in early childhood: Factors associated with cognitive development up to 36 months of age. Infant Behavior and Development, 76, article 101963.
Alsarawi, A. A. et Murry, F. R. (2024). Inclusive playgrounds: Caregiver perceptions of accessibility and use. Children and Youth Services Review, 164, article 107861.
Barmak, E., Aysu, B., Aydoğdu, F., Aral, N. et Uysal, H. T. (2024). Investigation of play skills of children with typical development and language and speech disorders according to demographic variables. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 32(4), 672-686.
Ceballos, N., Saiz-Linares, Á. et Susinos, T. (2024). A participatory and inclusive 2-year-old infant classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 22(3), 359-380.
Çelik, S. et Tomris, G. (2024). “A chain of interlocking rings”: Preschool teachers’ experiences regarding home-school collaboration with a focus on children with special needs and their parents in inclusive education. Children and Youth Services Review, 163, article 107700.
Fedewa, M., Watkins, L., Barber, A. et Baggett, J. (2024). Supporting Social Play of Preschoolers With and Without Autism: A Collaborative Approach for Special Educators and Speech Language Pathologists. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1023-1033.
Gaspar, C. et Jahromi, L. (2024). Parent perspectives of early childhood special education transition – a systematic review. Infants & Young Children, 37(3), 193-215.
Szocik, K., O’Brien, K. M., Nagro, S. A. et Gerry, M. A. (2024). Early Childhood Special Education Teacher Candidates’ Field Experiences: A Systematic Review. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 44(2), 152-166.
Le journal Early Child Development and Care a publié un numéro thématique sur les services de garde éducatifs à la petite enfance en Israël.
Adair, J. K., Park, S., Alonzo, M., McManus, M. E., Odim, N., Lee, S., Jones, N. N., Payne, K. A. et Colegrove, K. S.-S. (2024). Equitable access to agency-supportive early schooling contexts for young children of color. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 69(4e quartier), 49-64.
Juaristi, O., Larrea, I. et Muela, A. (2024). The enculturation process in early childhood education and care: a mixed methods study. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 32(4), 658-671.
🍁Nxumalo, F., Downey, C. et Franklin, N. (2024). Thinking with Black Ecologies in Early Childhood Education. Journal of Childhood Studies, 49(2), 47-56.
Telfer, N. A., Iruka, I. U., Yazejian, N., Sideris, J. et Kaplan, R. (2024). Do ECERS-3 scores mean the same thing across racial groups? Measurement invariance testing by teacher and classroom race. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 69(4e quartier), 122-130.
Zhou, Y., Jiang, S. et Jiang, Y. (2024). Towards Better Cultural Enlightenment: Identify Chinese Preschoolers’ Cultural Cognition Traits and Predictors. Early Education and Development, 35(6), 1235-1255.
Zimmermann, C. R. (2024). Looking for Trouble: How Teachers’ Racialized Practices Perpetuate Discipline Inequities in Early Childhood. Sociology of Education, 97(3), 219-232.
Baffour, B., Das, S., Li, M. et Richardson, A. (2024). The Utility of Socioeconomic and Remoteness Indicators in Understanding the Geographical Variation in the Regional Prevalence of Early Childhood Vulnerability in Australia. Child Indicators Research, 17(4), 1791-1827.
Karaoğlan, D., Dayioğlu, M., Saraçoğlu, D.Ş. et Sağir, S. (2024). Unlevel Playing Field: Socioeconomic Determinants of Early Childhood Development in Turkiye. Child Indicators Research, 17(4), 1741-1770.
Kitamura, K. (2024). School-Based Early Childhood Education and Children’s Development in Urban Nepal. Early Education and Development, 35(7), 1591-1613.
Lim, I. E., Mahmud, I., Chowdhury, M.U., Kaiser, A., Bonny, F. A., Akanbonga, S. et Hasan, M. T. (2024). Early Childhood Development (ECD) in Ghana: Assessing the Status and Determinants of the Literacy-Numeracy, Physical, Social-Emotional, and Learning Domains. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56(2), 255-276.
Suntheimer, N. M. et Wolf, S. (2024). Duration of poverty and Ghanaian children’s learning and executive function outcomes. Applied Developmental Science, 28(3), 409-425.
Anderson, A. J. et Sammy Perone, S. (2024). The kids are bored: Trait boredom in early childhood and links to self-regulation, coping strategies, and parent-child interactions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 243, article 105919.
AuBuchon, A. M., Wagner, R. L. et Sackinsky, M. (2024). Children’s rehearsal development parallels that of self-talk in other executive functions. Developmental Psychology, 60(7), 1237-1243.
Bautista, A., Williams, K. E., Lee, K. et Ng, S. P. (2024). Early self-regulation: kindergarten teachers’ understandings, estimates, indicators, and intervention strategies. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(3), 290-311.
Eberhart, J., Bryce, D. et Baker, S. T. (2024). Staying self-regulated in the classroom: The role of children’s executive functions and situational factors. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(3), 995-1010.
Gago-Galvagno, L. G., Miller, S. E., Mancini, N. A., Simaes, A. C., Elgier, A. M. et Azzollini, S. C. (2024). Importance of cultural context in the study of children’s executive functions: Advances in Latin America research. Child Development Perspectives, 18(3), 115-122.
Gardier, M. et Geurten, M. (2024). The developmental path of metacognition from toddlerhood to early childhood and its influence on later memory performance. Developmental Psychology, 60(7), 1244-1254.
Gold, Z. S., Bayoun, Y., Howe, N. et Dunfield, K. A. (2024). Executive Function and Spatial Skills in Children’s Block Play: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Early Education and Development, 35(6), 1316-1334.
Jiang, Y., Wishard Guerra, A., Cohen, S. R., Brown, T. T., Lin, N. T., Molgaard, M. et Iversen, J. (2024). Echoing Parental Scaffolding Style in Co-Constructed Narratives: Its Impact on Executive Function Development in Diverse Early School-Age Children. Early Education and Development, 35(6), 1335-1352.
Kälin, S. et Oeri, N. (2024). Linking persistence and executive functions with later academic achievement. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 48(5), 442-449.
Koch, F.-S., Sundqvist, A., Birberg Thornberg, U., Barr, R. et Heimann, M. (2024). Toddler’s memory and media—Picture book reading and watching video content are associated with memory at 2 years of age. Infancy, 29(5), 729-749.
Macrae, E., Milosavljevic, B., Katus, L., Mason, L., Amadó, M. P., Rozhko, M., de Haan, M., Elwell, C. E., Moore, S. E., Lloyd-Fox, S., Crespo-Llado, M. M., Taylor, D. et Yelland, S. et The BRIGHT Project Team (2024). Cognitive control in infancy: Attentional predictors using a tablet-based measure. Infancy, 29(4), 631-655.
Maraisane, L., Jita, L. et Jita, T. (2024). Engagement of science process skills for teaching science concepts in early childhood. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 5(2), 283-293.
Ramanathan, G., Cosso, S. et Pool, J. (2024). Engineering in Preschool: What Little Minds Can Teach Us About Big Skills. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(6), 1245-1257.
Schmid, B., Bleijlevens, N., Mani, N. et Behne, T. (2024). The cognitive underpinnings and early development of children’s selective trust. Child Development, 95(4), 1315-1332.
Schmitt, L., Weber, A., Weber, D. et Leuchter, M. (2024). First Insights into Preschool Teachers’ Instructional Quality in Block Play and Its Associations with Children’s Knowledge, Interest, Academic Self-Concept and Cognitive Aspects. Early Education and Development, 35(7), 1501-1523.
Smare, Z. et Elfatihi, M. (2024). A systematic review on factors influencing the development of children’s creativity. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 5(2), 176-200.
Splinter, S. E., Depaepe, F., Verschaffel, L. et Torbeyns, J. (2024). Perceptual subitizing performance in 3- and 4-year-olds: The impact of visual features of sets. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 244, 105946.
Turnbull, K. L. P. DeCoster, J., Downer, J. T. et Williford, A. P. (2024). Elucidating linkages of executive functioning to school readiness skill gains: The mediating role of behavioral engagement in the PreK classroom. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 69(4e quartier), 38-48.
La revue Education 3-13 a publié un numéro thématique sur le langage des enfants, la littéracie et la littérature.
Breitfeld, E., Compton, A. M. et Saffran, J. R. (2024). Toddlers’ prior social experience with speakers influences their word learning. Infancy, 29(5), 771-788.
Dogru, Y. Y., Koc-Arik, G., Doğru, O. C. et Berument, S. K. (2024). Receptive and expressive vocabulary performance in 2- to 5-year-olds in care: The role of different care types and temperament. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 243, article 105924.
Ferjan Ramírez, N., Marjanovič Umek, L. et Fekonja, U. (2024). Language environment and early language production in Slovenian infants: An exploratory study using daylong recordings. Infancy, 29(5), 811-837.
Flynn, E. E. (2024). Supporting language diversities through story circles. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 22(3), 410-427.
Gardner-Neblett, N. (2024). Becoming fictional storytellers: African American children’s oral narrative development in early elementary school. Child Development, 95(4), 1218-1236.
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