2012- Current knowledge about daycare attendance and children’s development: review and implications for the futur. Symposium organisé dans le cadre du 10e Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), Honolulu, États-Unis.
Communications de ce symposium
Daycare attendance in early childhood and children’s motor development.
Bigras, N., Lemay, L., Cadoret, G. et Jacques, M.
Current knowledge about daycare attendance and children’s development: Literaure review and implications for the futur.
Lemay, L. et Bigras, N.
Behavioral difficulties among 0-5 years old children in daycare: definition, prevention and intervention.
Lemay, L. et Coutu, S.
Autres communications à ce congrès
The effects of the Brindami early childhood education program.
Coutu, S., Dubeau, D., Emard, M.-J. et Royer, N.
Assessment of the implementation of the Brindami program.
Coutu, S., Emard, M.-J., Dubeau, D., Bigras, N., Bouchard, C. et Cantin, G.
Infant Cognitive Development at 18 Months among Children Attending Daycare since their First year of Life: A Comparitive Study.
Bigras, N., Brunson, L., Tremblay, M. et Lemay, L.